Fast-Forwarding and Rewinding Through Broadcasts
>>Press Rewind to navigate through the replay buffer. Pressing and releasing moves forwards or backwards to the start of the next or previous segment.
>>Pressing and holding Rewind moves progressively faster forward or backwards in the buffer.
>>As you Rewind, the
Diamond Indicator in the time bar will move to show your current playback position relative to the live broadcast.
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Recording Live Radio
Stiletto 2 lets you record up to 100 hours of any broadcast heard while listening to Satellite Radio. Your device can record 3 ways: Record a total of 10 hours of individual songs, save entire broadcasts for any length of time up to 6 hours long, or set up regular scheduled recordings to take place even when you’re not listening.
Songs, shows, sports games and more can be recorded and saved on your Stiletto 2 by pressing Love while listening to a live broadcast in Satellite Radio.
>>Press Love once to record (save) the current song to your Library.
>>Press and hold Love to record (save) the current channel for the rest of the hour, or to set additional recording options.
You can only Love a song, show or broadcast while listening “live” in Satellite Radio. This functionality will not work in Internet Radio, or from the Replay Buffer if you have paused the live broadcast.
While recording from Satellite Radio, you can listen to the channel being recorded — or any Library content — and your device will continue recording in the background. If you try to change channels, or if you switch to Internet Radio before the recording completes, you will be asked if you want to “Stop recording?”.
>>Continue recording will return you to the Now Playing screen for the song or show being recorded.
>>Stop (keep partial) will allow you to tune to a different channel or Internet Radio and will save a portion of the recording to your Library.
>>Stop (delete partial) will allow you to tune to a different channel or Internet Radio and discard or erase the current recording.
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