23 Controls


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Receiving a Satellite Signal

Stiletto 2 has an internal antenna. To receive the satellite signal
your Stiletto 2 must have a clear view of the sky. Obstructions
such as buildings, trees, bridges, and high voltage power lines
can interfere with the satellite signal. In some areas, Sirius also
transmits a terrestrial signal to augment the satellite broadcast.
The terrestrial signal is identical to the satellite signal, and your
radio will switch automatically to the strongest signal.
The human body will block satellite and terrestrial signal reception if
it is placed between the Stiletto 2 and the transmission source. It is
possible to lose even a strong signal as you move and change position.

Using Antenna Headphones

The use of the antenna headphones included with your Stiletto 2
will help to improve reception signicantly. By placing the
antenna above any interference from the body, signal reception
can be improved.
You can view Signal Strength in your location by:
1. Reading the signal strength meter in the Activation Wizard.
2. Or after activation, by navigating from the Main Menu to
Settings Device Antenna Aiming. At least one of the
signals should be greater than 50% to reliably activate and use.
The Home Dock and Car Dock will also help to improve Satellite reception.

Device Activation

Before you can listen to SIRIUS radio, you must activate
your device.
>> The Stiletto 2 must be receiving the SIRIUS signal
throughout the activation procedure.
>> The built-in activation guide will help you through the
activation process. To subscribe your Stiletto 2, simply
follow the on-screen instructions.
>> You may also subscribe online at home.sirius.com/
webCUWI or by phone: 1.888.539.7474

Device Tour

After you have activated your device, you can take a product
tour which will highlight some of the top features of the
Stiletto 2.
If you want to take the tour later do the following:
1. Press the Home Button.
2. Settings Device Settings Device Tour
3. Select Yes, show tour.Device Tour
Activation Wizard
Getting A Signal
Getting A Signal (1/3)
Make sure your radio has a
clear view of the sky so it
can find a signal. When the
bars below light up, you’re
ready to continue.
Next Screen
Previous Screen
Device Antenna Aiming
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