•DO NOT drop the SGX in water or leave exposed in a hard rain. The SGX is
Back of Green | Zone | Hazard | Marker |
Center of Green | Lay Up To | Ditch | Water Carry |
Front of Green | Fairway Target | Mound | Water |
Green | End of Fairway | To | Creek |
Bunker Right Carry | Bunker | Upslope | Out of Bounds |
Bunker Right | Bunker in Fairway | Downslope | Tree |
Bunker Left Carry | Bunker Left | Leaves | Pro Front |
Target Icons and Target Descriptors
Target | Target | Target | Target | Target | Target |
Name | Descriptor | Name | Descriptor | Name | Descriptor |
Green | Gn | Leaves | Lv | Black | Blk |
Plate | Plt | Last | Lst | Orange | Orng |
Fairway Target | FT | Point | Pnt | Yellow | Ylw |
End of Fairway | EoF | Pond | Pnd | Gold | Gld |
Fairway | Fwy | Path | Pth | False | Flse |
Bunker Right | BkrRt | Bush | Bsh | Pole | Pol |
Bunker Left | BkrLt | Range | Rng | Sign | Sgn |
Bunker | Bkr | Hole | Hle | LayUpTo | LayUp |
Carry | Cy | Marsh | Mrsh | Dogleg | DogLg |
Creek | Crk | Sprinker | Sp | Target | Trgt |
Mound | Mnd | Water Cooler | Wtrcolr | Stone | Stn |
UpSlope | UpSlp | Water | Wtr | Front | Frt |
DownSlope | DnSlp | Bridge | Brdg | Left | Lt |
Tee | T | Post | Pst | Right | Rt |
PopUp | PU | Over | Ovr | Center | Ctr |
BallWasher | Bwash | Island | Islnd | Middle | Ctr |
Bottom | Btm | Flag | Flg | Marker | Mkr |
Disc | Dsc | White | Wht |