Rotatinga 3DmodelYoucan rotate a 3D model alongmultiple axes. Af ter rotatinga 3D model, you can reset it to its
gTo rotatea 3D model along a single axis
1. Select the 3D model.
2. Press andhold one of the side rotationhandles.
3. Dragyour finger in the directiony ouw antt o rotatethe 3D model, and then releaseyour finger
gTo rotatea 3D model along multiple axes
1. Select the 3D model.
2. Press andhold the center rotationhandle.
3. Dragyour finger in the directiony ouw antt o rotatethe 3D model, and then releaseyour finger
gTo reseta 3D model to its original orientation
1. Select the 3D model.
2. Press the 3D model’s menuarrow, and thens elect Reset Rotation.
Pausing,playing andrestarting animationIf a 3D model contains animation,you can pause, resumeand restart the animation.
If a 3D model doesn’tc ontainanimation, the Animation menudocumentedin t hefollowing
procedures is disabled.
CH A P T E R 2
Insertingand manipulating 3Dmodels