3. Navigatet he3D sceneusing the navigation controls.
Button Use to:
A Changeyour orientationupward.
B Changeyour orientationto the left.
C Changeyourorientation to the right.
D Changeyourorientation downward.
E Raise elevation.
F Move forwardin the sc ene.
G Moveto the left in the scene.
H Moveto the right in the scene.
I Movebackward in the scene.
J Lower elevation.
Alternatively, keyboardbuttons can be usedt o navigatethe 3D sc ene.
Keyboardbutton Use to:
WChangeyour orientationupward.
AChangeyour orientationto the left.
DChangeyour orientationto the right.
SChangeyour orientationdownward.
PAGEUP Raiseelevation.
UPARROW Move forwardin the scene.
LEFTARROW Moveto the left in t hes cene.
CH A P T E R 2
Insertingand manipulating 3Dmodels