Activating SMARTNotebook3DTools 1
Incorporating3D content into yourless ons 2
Gettingst arted 2
Windows operatingsystems 2
MacOSXoperatingsys tem software 2
SMARTNotebook™3DTools software plug-infor SMARTNotebook™c ollaborativelearning
softwareprovides in-depthv isual representations that can be manipulatedacross threedimensions to
increasestudent engagement,leadingt o deeperunderstandingandappreciationof complex
This user’s guideprovides the informationyou need to beginusing SMARTNotebook 3DToolsas
well as Google™SketchUp™ sketc hingsoftw areand 3D Warehouse.
Activating SMARTNotebook 3DTools
gTo activateSMARTN otebook3DTools
1. ForWindows® operating systems, s elect Start > All Programs> SMA RT Technologies >
SMARTTools > SMART P roductUpdate.
ForMacOSX operatingsystem s oftware, select Applications > SMARTTechnologies >
SMARTTools > SMARTProduct Update.
TheSMART P roductUpdate window appears.
2. Click Activatein the SMART N otebookrow.
TheSMART SoftwareAc tivation dialog box appears.
3. Click Add.
4. Typet heproduct key you received from SMART in the Product Key box, and thencl ick Add.
Chapter 1