gTo pauseanimation
1. Select the 3D model.
2. Press the 3D model’s menuarrow, and thens elect Animation > Play/Pause Animation.
gTo resume playinganimation
1. Select the 3D model.
2. Press the 3D model’s menuarrow, and thens elect Animation > Play/Pause Animation.
gTo restartanimation
1. Select the 3D model.
2. Press the 3D model’s menuarrow, and thens elect Animation > Restart Animation.
AddinglabelsYoucan use labels to highlight different componentsof a 3D model. Labels can be text, shapes or
other2D objects.
Youcan add labels to 3D models containinganimation.
gTo add a label
1. Select the 3D model.
2. Right-click the 3D model whereyou want to c onnectthe label, and then select Add Label.
A labelappears.
3. Touse t ext in the label, double-clickthe label’s default text and then type your own text.
Touse a s hapeor other2D object in thel abel,create the object and thendrag it into the label.
4. Optionally,drag the label’s connectionpoint to a different location ont he3D model.
gTo hide and display a label
1. Press the label’sc onnectionpoint on 3D model.
CH A P T E R 2
Insertingand manipulating 3Dmodels