5. Click license agreement,review the license agreement,and thenc lick Close.
6. If you accept the license agreement,select the I accept theterms in the license agreement
check box.
7. Click Next.
SMARTNotebook3DTools activates.
8. Click Finish, and thenc lose the SMART Product Update window.
Incorporating 3D content into your lessonsYoucan incorporate3D contentinto y ourSMARTNotebook software lessons. The following are
examplesof how to do this:
lIf you’re teachinga biology lesson, insert a 3D model of a heartinto y our.notebook file. Rotate
andchange the size of the 3D model to presentt hediff erentparts of the heart.
lIf you’re teachingan English lesson, insert a 3D model of a city that is referencedin a novel the
class is reading. Enterthe 3Dscene to navigate streets and interiorsof buildings.
lIf you’re teachinga primary lesson, insert multiple 3D modelsand use the Disguise feature to
revealanswers as a memory exercise.
Getting startedToget s tartedwit h SMARTNotebook3DTools, you needt o haveSMAR TNotebooksoftware on a
computerthat meets the following requirements.
Windowsoperating systems
lPentium®4 processor or better
l512MB of R AM (1 GB recommended)
l2GB of freehard disk space
lWindows XP SP3,W indowsVista®SP2 or Windows 7operating system
lDirectX® 9 compatiblegraphics hardware
MacOSXoperatingsystem software
l1.5GHz Intel® processoror better
l1GB of RAM
CH A P T E R 1
UsingSMARTNotebook 3DTools