5. Click license agreement,review the license agreement,and thenc lick Close.
6. If you accept the license agreement,select the I accept theterms in the license agreement
check box.
7. Click Next.
SMARTNotebook3DTools activates.
8. Click Finish, and thenc lose the SMART Product Update window.
Incorporating 3D content into your lessons
Youcan incorporate3D contentinto y ourSMARTNotebook software lessons. The following are
examplesof how to do this:
lIf you’re teachinga biology lesson, insert a 3D model of a heartinto y our.notebook file. Rotate
andchange the size of the 3D model to presentt hediff erentparts of the heart.
lIf you’re teachingan English lesson, insert a 3D model of a city that is referencedin a novel the
class is reading. Enterthe 3Dscene to navigate streets and interiorsof buildings.
lIf you’re teachinga primary lesson, insert multiple 3D modelsand use the Disguise feature to
revealanswers as a memory exercise.
Getting started
Toget s tartedwit h SMARTNotebook3DTools, you needt o haveSMAR TNotebooksoftware on a
computerthat meets the following requirements.

Windowsoperating systems

lPentium®4 processor or better
l512MB of R AM (1 GB recommended)
l2GB of freehard disk space
lWindows XP SP3,W indowsVista®SP2 or Windows 7operating system
lDirectX® 9 compatiblegraphics hardware

MacOSXoperatingsystem software

l1.5GHz Intel® processoror better
l1GB of RAM
CH A P T E R 1
UsingSMARTNotebook 3DTools