Google3D Warehouseis an onlinerepository of 3Dmodels. The Gallerytab in SMARTNotebook
softwarei ncludesa link t o Google3D Warehouse. Using this link, you can search for 3D models and
downloadthem to your computer.You can then insert the 3D models into your .notebookfiles.
gTo download3D models from Google 3DW arehouse
1. Presst heGallery tab.
2. Press Google 3D Warehouse.
Google3D Warehouseappears in the bottom section of the Gallerytab.
3. Searchor browse for a 3D model that you want to download.
Select the model.
4. Press Download Model,and then press the Download link besideCollada (.zip).
Whenyou first downloada 3D model, Google3D W arehousemight promptyou for a
ForMacOSX, if the downloadi s cancelled, the 3Dmodelstill saves to the Downloads
5. Savet he. zip file to your computer.
6. Extract the contents of the .zip file to a f olderon your computer.
gTo inserta 3D model downloadedfrom Google 3D Warehouse
SeeInserting 3D models on page 5.
CH A P T E R 3
UsingGoogle SketchUp and 3D Warehousewith SMART Notebook3 DTools