Chapter 3
Connecting Your
SMART Board 600i3
or SBD600i3 Interactive
Whiteboard System
Refer to these topics for software installation instructions, relevant precautions and
methods for connecting new devices to your interactive whiteboard system.
Installing SMART Software........................................................................... 22
Connecting the Cables to the UF55/UF55w Projector.................................. 23
Routing the Cables................................................................................. 23
Connecting Your Guest Computer to the ECP’s Inputs .........................27
Connecting Peripheral Visual or Audio-Visual Devices............................. ...28
• To connect your SMART Board 600 or SBD600 series interactive whiteboard,
see the SMART Board 600 and SBD600 Series Interactive Whiteboard
Installation and User’s Guide (document 1414).
• To connect accessories to your SMART Board interactive whiteboard, refer
to the documents included with the accessories and consult the
SMART Support website for additional instructions.
• When connecting both a guest computer and a host computer to your
interactive whiteboard system, make sure that the computer used for the
presentation is connected to your SMART Board interactive whiteboard’s USB
cable connector.