Although your SMART Board interactive whiteboard’s surface is very durable,
take the following precautions to prevent damage to the interactive screen and
other components.
• Don’t use sharp or pointed objects, such as ballpoint pens or pointers,
as writing tools.
• Don’t use abrasive erasers or harsh chemicals when cleaning your product.
• Don’t leave adhesive tape on the writing surface for extended periods. Lifting
the tape may remove the coating that provides your product’s dry-erase capability.
• Don’t set up and use your interactive whiteboard in an area with excessive levels
of dust, humidity or smoke.
Keeping the Writing Surface CleanFor cleaning instructions, refer to the SMART Board 600 and SBD600 Series
Interactive Whiteboard Installation and User’s Guide (document 1414).
Before you clean your interactive whiteboard, shut down your computer or
disconnect the USB cable from your interactive whiteboard so that you do not
scramble the desktop icons or inadvertently activate applications when you wipe
your interactive whiteboard’s screen.
With proper care, your SMART Board interactive whiteboard will provide years
of trouble-free service. Follow these tips to keep the screen surface clean:
• Don’t use low-odor dry-erase markers such as Sanford EXPO2®, which can be
very difficult to remove. Use standard dry-erase (high-odor) markers that include a
warning to use them only in well-ventilated areas.
• Erase dry-erase ink as soon as possible after use. The longer dry-erase ink stays
on the surface, the more difficult it is to remove.
• Remove excess dry-erase dust with a damp lint-free cloth before using a cleaner.
• If erasing doesn’t completely remove dry-erase ink, clean the writing surface
with a household glass cleaner, such as Windex®, daily, weekly or as required.
• Use a dry-erase marker cleaner if you can still see ink marks after erasing.
• Don’t allow excess glass cleaner to flow into the crack between the lower frame
and the writing surface, or into the pen tray recesses.
• Use isopropyl alcohol for stubborn stains and ghosting.