Windows XP
1.Click “Start/Control Panel/Network Connections.”
3.Highlight “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).”
4.Click on “Properties.”
5.Select the option “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS server address automatically.”
Mac OS
1.Pull down the Apple Menu. Click “Control Panels” and select “TCP/IP.”
2.In the TCP/IP dialog box, verify that “Ethernet” is selected in the “Connect Via:” field.
3.If “Using DHCP Server” is already selected in the “Configure” field, your computer is already configured for DHCP. Otherwise, select “Using DHCP Server” in the “Configure” field and close the window.
4.Another box will appear asking whether you want to save your TCP/IP settings. Click “Save.”
5.Your service provider will now be able to automatically assign an IP address to your computer.