3.1.3 Point-to-Point (P2P) Mode
Two SMCWTK-G devices, each in Point-to-Point (P2P) mode, can establish a
wireless connection between two wired networks, as shown in Figure3. The two
SMCWTK-G devices operating in P2P mode do not allow client associations.
To configure the SMCWTK-G deivces to establish a P2P wireless bridge,
please ensure the following:
. Enter the MAC address of SMCWTK-G P2P_2 device in the P2P MAC address
. field in the SMCWTK-G P2P_1 device.
Enter the MAC address of SMCWTK-G P2P_1 device in the P2P MAC address
field in the SMCWTK-G P2P_2 device.
Figure 3: P2P Wireless Bridge