Fan Speed Control with the EMC2102 Device
the 60% drive the register 51h value is 153d or 99h, and for 75% it is 191d or BFh. Those two drive settings will run a DC fan at two different speeds and we will call them rpm60 and rpm75. Depending on the fan, the speed for the same drive setting will vary.
All data and plot examples in this document were taken using an
For all these tests, the Fan Drive Setting register (51h), the TACH Target register (57h) and the TACH Reading registers (58h) are selected to plot. As bits are switched in each of the tests, the register name and address will be provided.
5.3.3Forced Kick FunctionThe EMC2102 has a forced 100% kick at
¼of the time set by the SPINUP_TIME[1:0] bits in register 53h. The plots in Figure 5.12, "Forced Kick Function" illustrate this function with a
Selecting a different "Time per Division" value in the
100% Kick Pulse for 500 ms
(1/4 of
Normal Fan Drive
(for 5200 rpm)
Time = 2 s
Figure 5.12 Forced Kick Function5.3.4Depending on the application, the value of LEVEL
Revision 0.2