Fan Speed Control with the EMC2102 Device
in Figure 5.4, "ChipMan Operation Window". Click on the HWM icon to show the different windows available.
The EMC2102 WatchDog will have timed out at this point, and the on-board DC fan will be running at 100%.
Note: Starting the ChipMan application without the USB cable/EVB connected to the PC, an error message "Supported company ID on device not found" will pop-up. Plug in the USB cable and click on “Abort”, another pop-up window will ask if you want to select an SMSC device. Click on “Yes” and then select the device as shown in Figure 5.3.
In the same device selection window the user also has the options to chose the SMBus Slave Address (Default is 7A for EVB-EMC2102, use “Select automatically” is recommended), the Master Controller type (Default is USB SMBus Bridge, see note 1 below) and if the ChipMan needs to be configured to run in simulation mode. In the simulation mode, users can practice the software functions without connecting a USB cable/EVB to the PC.
For more help with ChipMan, select Help -> Contents for an html based help document.
Figure 5.2 ChipMan Device Selection Window