Fan Speed Control with the EMC2102 Device 4 - 4.Valid RPM < Spin-up Level RPM (rpm60 or rpm75) < Target RPM

In this case, the spin-up level speed (rpm60 or rpm75) is greater than the valid speed and smaller than the target speed, as shown in Figure 5.32, "Theoretical Plot of Case 4".

At the end of spin-up routine, the closed-loop control will drive the fan up to reach the target, therefore the fan speed will never be lower than the valid speed. The EMC2102 will go to the normal operation after the spin-up routine.

Using the EVB-EMC2102 to test this situation with rpm60 (~4500 rpm), simply set the Valid TACH register (56h) with 3500 rpm and start the fan with TACH Target (57h) = 5000 rpm (Figure 5.33, "Spin- up Case 4").

Fan Speed

(RPM)RPM for

100% Drive

Target Speed

rpm60 or rpm75

Fan Speed

Valid Speed

¼of Spin Up Time

Spin Up Time

Check TACH

Figure 5.32 Theoretical Plot of Case 4

Figure 5.33 Spin-up Case 4



Revision 0.2 (09-17-07)