[ S N O M 1 9 0 A D M I N I S T R A T O R M A N U A L V 3 . 0 0 ]
Dialing an IP Address
When calling an IP address, the called phone or computer cannot determine which user you want to reach. In SIP mode it is assumed that “anonymous” is being called, and with H.323 no assumptions are made. This works with many phones and applications. Therefore, you should only use this method in exceptional cases, as the entry of IP addresses is rather cumbersome.
3Number guessing
For your convenience, this functionality offers you the first number from dialed numbers, missed calls, received calls or phonebook that matches the beginning of the number you have already typed in.
If the displayed number is not what you expected, you can get the next matching number by pressing the “#” key (in alphanumeric modes). Otherwise, continue typing your desired number or press the
function key and the number guessing is temporarily switched off for this session of editing a phone number.
Terminating a call
You can end a call by setting the handset on its cradle, pressing the hook switch or pressing Cancel. The snom 190 will terminate the call and return to the idle state.
Incoming call
When your snom 190 is called, it rings and displays the following
28 • Basic Functions