Testing Your Connection
1.After the SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless reboots, and the login page reappears, open another Web browser, and navigate to: <http://www.sonicwall.com>.
If you can view the SonicWALL home page, you have configured your SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless correctly.
2.If you cannot view the SonicWALL home page, try a second URL. If you still cannot view a Web page, try one of these solutions:
•Restart your management
•If you selected DHCP for your WAN settings, you may need to specify a host name for your connection:
a.Check with your ISP to see if a host name is required.
b.Go to Procedure 4, “Accessing the Management Interface” on page 6, and use the LAN IP address you set in Procedure 5, Step 6: “LAN Settings” on page 13.
c.Log in as “admin” with your administrative password.
d.In the menu on the left, click .
e.In the Interfaces table, click the configure icon in the WAN line.
f.In the WAN Properties window, enter the host name and click OK.
•Use the Setup Wizard again to reconfigure your network settings:
a.Go to Procedure 4, “Accessing the Management Interface” on page 6, and use the LAN IP address you set in Procedure 5, Step 6: “LAN Settings” on page 13.
b.Log in as “admin” with your administrative password.
c.Click the Wizards button in the top, right corner of the management interface to restart the wizard.
d.Select Setup and click Next to start the Setup Wizard.
SonicWALL TZ 150 Wireless Getting Started Guide | Page 17 |