Features of AIBO

To realize AIBO’s greatest feature, the autonomous behavior, AIBO has various functions and capabilities. There are also other ways to enjoy AIBO other than as an autonomous robot.

A four-legged robot

To comfortably coexist with people, AIBO was designed with the four-legged appearance of a dog or cat, animals which usually have long-term, friendly relationships with people. It walks on four legs which are jointed and moves them to sit or lie down. It also uses the legs to express its emotions or entertain you with its favorite performance.

Various senses

AIBO has sensors corresponding to human senses, which allow it to perceive its environments and communicate with people.

• Touch:

AIBO’s head is the sensor for receiving personal


contact by touch.

Audition: AIBO receives sounds through a stereo microphone. AIBO has a perfect pitch and responds to certain combinations of musical tones (commands) that deliver instructions to it.

• Vision:

AIBO has a built-in color camera and distance


sensor which are used to look for its favorite colors


or to avoid obstacles.

Balance: Using its acceleration sensor, AIBO maintains its balance and recognizes when it falls.

Communicating with people

AIBO speaks to us by way of musical tones (robot language). It also expresses its joy or desires through body language. The eye lamps are used to express emotions or give a yes or no response. You can also initiate communication by presenting a ball to AIBO. When approving or scolding AIBO, you can pat or hit the touch sensor on its head.

Introduction to ERS-110 “AIBO”


