Game mode
(type of
You can contr ol AIBO to move for ward, backwar d, go left or right, kick a ball or take certain poses.
cFor details, see Chapter 5 (page 66).
Sleep mode
You can make it sleep to keep it fr om moving about for a while. Ther e are two types of sleep.
Sleep 8: AIBO will sleep for eight hours, and automatically transfer to the autonomous mode and wake up. Y ou can also wake it up by gently shaking it.
Sleep: AIBO keeps on sleeping until you wake it up.
AIBO’s motion modes
To change AIBO to this mode, press:
0 | 1 | SEND |
To change AIBO to “sleep 8”, press:
8 | 8 | SEND |
To change AIBO to “sleep”, press:
cFor details, see Chapter 2 (page 40).
8 | 9 | SEND |
When AIBO needs to be recharged taking the “charging posture” (see page 38) on its own, place it on the station or replace the battery pack (see page 76). Unless either of the above mentioned is done, AIBO will not accept any commands.