Playing games with AIBO
Help AIBO escape a maze. Prepare a labyrinth by placing books, blocks, or
In this game gain as much points as possible by making AIBO carry sticks to the goal within a given time. AIBO can hold sticks the size and weight of pencils, pens and chopsticks. Prepare a goal by placing an empty box on a flat floor. Have a few sticks ready at the starting line. Place AIBO at the starting line and put it in the game mode.
To make AIBO carry a stick, press the 7 button of the sound controller. When AIBO opens its mouth and lowers its head, place a stick in its mouth. AIBO will close its mouth and raise its head. Use the same commands as in the labyrinth game to help AIBO reach the goal without dropping the stick. When AIBO reachs the goal, press the 9 button to release the stick from its mouth. You can also try combining this game with the maze, or set different points according to the sticks.
Do not make AIBO carry big sticks or heavy objects. This may result in a malfunction or damage.