
(OTHERS) category

This category enables you to edit the images on a disc or a “Memory Stick Duo.”

(OTHERS) category

Item list


You can edit the images on a disc or a “Memory Stick Duo” (p. 54, 55).


You can create and edit a Playlist (p. 57).


You can print still images on a connected PictBridge printer (p. 63).

Deleting images

You can delete the images recorded on a disc or a “Memory Stick Duo” using your camcorder.

Insert a recorded disc or “Memory Stick Duo” into your camcorder.

Deleting the movies on the disc

1 Turn on your camcorder, then press (HOME).

2 Touch (OTHERS) t [EDIT].

3 Touch [DELETE].

4 Touch [ DELETE].

5 Touch the image to be deleted.

The selected scene is marked with .