Sony Notebook User Guide
UPS A UPS (Uninterruptible Power Sup ply) is a device including a batte ry that protects your
computer from data loss in the event of a power failure. The battery takes over as soon as
a power interruption is detected . If you are using the computer wh en the power failure
occurs, you have time to save a ll unsaved data and to shut down your computer.
USB USB (Universal Serial Bus) is a hardware interface for attaching devices (such as a keyboard,
mouse, joystick, scanner or printer). You can connect up to 127 devices to a USB port. The
USB standard is Hot Plug and Pla y.
VAIO Short for Video Audio Integrate d Operation. Brand name covering Sony's PC products,
peripherals, accessories and software. VAIO-branded items are all designed to make the best
use of Sony's Audio-Video (AV) and Inform ation Technology (IT) skills.
WAN WAN (Wide Area Network) is a compu ter network connected together an d covering a
relatively large geographical are a. This is in contrast to LAN, where the network is usually
set up within one building or sm all geographical area. The largest e xisting WAN is the
XGA Short for Extended Graphic Array, a grap hics standard. An XGA board can pr ovide up to
1024 x 768 pixels and supports up to 65 thousand colours.
Term Definition