Handbook for SXV-M5C Issue 1 August 2004

Starlight Xpress Ltd


CCD camera user manual

Thank you for purchasing a Starlight Xpress CCD camera. We hope that you will be very satisfied with the results. The SXV-M5C is a medium-resolution cooled CCD camera, especially designed for colour astronomical imaging. The SXV-M5C uses a Sony SuperHAD CCD, with 500 x 582 pixels in a 4.9mm x 3.65mm active area. SuperHAD devices have the greatest quantum efficiency of any interline transfer CCD currently available and the use of high performance microlenses on the CCD surface gives the greatest possible throughput of light to the pixels. This camera is a next generation version of the parallel port driven MX5C, but the use of an internal USB2 interface and the addition of an external guide camera option makes it considerably more effective.

Please take a few minutes to study the contents of this manual, which will help you to get the camera into operation quickly and without problems. I am sure that you want to see some results as soon as possible, so please move on to the ‘Quick Start’ section, which follows. A more detailed description of imaging techniques will be found in a later part of this manual.


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Sony SXV-M5C user manual