Helpful Hints


Playing Copied Music


Eject Copied Discs



Even though you can play


Once you have ripped your



your music from My


selected music CDs to your



Changer, it is recom-


hard disk, you might want



mended that you take


to remove the copied discs



advantage of the Copy


from the changer since the



Music feature, which


music can now be access



allows you to rip your music


from Music Library. Select



CDs to your hard disk,


the Eject Copied Discs



where you can take full


option to eject all discs that



advantage of the Music


were successfully copied



Library features in Media


to the hard disk.








Multi-tasking During


Trouble Shooting





If an album does not suc-







Once the ripping process


cessfully copy, eject the



begins, a progress bar


disc and check for



appears in the list on the


scratches on the surface of



album currently being cop-


the disc and then try again.



ied. Since this process can


Warning: During the rip-



be time consuming, you





ping process, do not try to



can leave the screen to do





access the changer from



other activities.





DVD Library, Music







You can return by going


Library or Manage Discs.



back to My Changer and





selecting Copy Music.















VGP-XL1B User Guide