Accessing Sites

Viewing the au one Top

You can access EZweb from the au one Top. A variety of useful and fun sites are available on EZweb.

When the standby screen is displayed, press R, use jto select Top Menu/Search and then press c(Select).


au one Top


auお客さまサポート (au Customer Support)



Provides information about charges, various



applications, au online manual and notices from au.






キーワード検索機能 (Search by Keyword)



Provides a search function for searching for



information by keyword.



メニューリスト (Menu List)



Provides a list of various content provider sites.



ニュース・天気・占い (Top News, Weather



& Horoscope)



Provides direct access to the au one services.



最新オススメ情報 (Latest News)



Introduces up-to-date information



concerning entertainment, daily life, etc.



知る (Tips & Tools)



Provides information on sports and stock



prices, as well as useful tools such as maps



and dictionaries.



楽しむ (Hobbies & Culture)



Provides the latest information, such



as games, music, books, hobbies and








買う (Shopping & Auctions)

Provides a list of shopping and auction sites available from your cell phone.

暮らす (Lifestyle)

Provides travel, restaurant and other lifestyle-oriented information.

使える (Community & Communication) Provides interesting and useful services such as SNS, Emoji.

とくする情報 (Valuable Information) Presents gifts and push information to the EZweb subscriber for free.

au style

Introduces information and sites that au recommends.

オープンサイト (Open Site) Introduces open sites.

災害用伝言板 (Disaster Message Board) Register and confirm safety information in time of disaster.


Introduces English sites.