The Wireless Manager
You will also need to make sure that the GSM services you require are included on your SIM card subscription. For an explanation of the services that are available see Network and Subscription on page 9. Contact the organization that supplied you with your SIM card and request that the specific services (EDGE, GPRS, CSD or SMS) you require are added to your subscription. If you are intending to use WLAN, you will need to have access rights to corporate networks and hotspots you intend to use.
If you are installing onto a Windows 98SE operating system, make sure you have your
Windows® installation
•Wireless Manager
•User Documentation
•ReadMe text file containing the latest information about the GC89.
GC89 Hardware Set Up
1.Remove your GC89 card from its protective cover.
2.Insert your SIM card into the slot on the back of GC89, with the gold contacts facing downwards.
The cut corner of the SIM card must be placed into the PC card as demonstrated below. The gold contacts should face downwards.
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To use the PCMCIA slot for another device, remove the GC89 card as instructed in Safe Removal of the GC89 on page 57, then insert the other device.