For Internal Use Only P800 Smartphone
White Paper, May 2002
User Storage
The P800 has a flexible and simple way of organising applications and user data. Technically, the
P800 has a filing system rather like a PC. The user storage space is shared across applications
without any imposed restrictions, apart from the whole space becoming full. For example, one
user might use the entire user storage space for photographs, in which case over 200 can be
stored. Another user might load a third party street map application and a number of street maps.
In this case, the application will take up some of the storage space and so will each map. When
space becomes limited, the user can choose to remove some maps.
The P800 has 12Mbyte of user storage space. The P802 has less, 9Mbytes, due to the extra
Chinese applications.
Depending on the application, data can be beamed, mailed, uploaded to the web or transferred
over the link to a PC in order to archive and create free user space on the P800 – see
‘Synchronisation and Data Transfer’ later in this paper.
Unlike a PC, the user does not need to be aware of the underlying filing system. Applications will
always make sensible choices and store information automatically, simplifying management of
data. Third party applications may implement more complex file management solutions where