Using pictures

Add a picture to a contact, use it at start-up, as a wallpaper in standby or as a screen saver.

Screen saver

The screen saver activates automatically when your phone is idle for a few seconds. After a few more seconds, the screen saver changes to sleep mode, to save power. Press a key to reactivate the screen.

To use a picture

1} File Manager } Pictures and select a picture.

2} More } Use As and select an option.To edit pictures % 59 PhotoDJ™.Exchanging pictures

You can exchange pictures using one of the available transfer methods. Please note that you are not allowed to exchange some copyright protected material. For more information on sending and receiving pictures in messages % 35 Messaging.

To send a picture

1} File Manager } Pictures and scroll to a picture. } More } Send and select a transfer method.

2For more options } More.
To receive a picture via a transfer methodSelect a transfer method and follow the instructions that appear.

Some phones that support pictures cannot receive picture sizes of more than 160x120. The best picture size to view on a computer is 1632x1224.

To save a picture in a message

%37 To save an item in a text message, or % 40 To save an item in a picture message, or % 43 To view or save an item in an email message.

Take a self-portrait

Hold the phone as shown in the illustration, so that you can see your reflection in the mirror next to the lens.

Press to take the picture.

Imaging 49

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