
Use the light as a flash light in dimly lit environments. The light can also be used as an SOS signal.

Do not look directly at the camera light diodes of the phone using a magnification device. Failure to comply with this warning may damage your eyes.

To use the light

1} Organizer } Light.

2Choose between On for 1 Minute, On, Off or SOS.


The calculator can add, subtract, divide and multiply.

To use the calculator

}Organizer } Calculator.

Press or to select ÷ x - + . % =.

Press to delete the figure.

Press to enter a decimal point.

Code memo

Save security codes, such as for credit cards, in the code memo. Set a passcode to open the code memo.

Checkword and security

To confirm that you have entered the correct passcode you must enter a checkword.

When you enter your passcode to open the code memo, the checkword is shown for a short time. If the passcode is correct, the correct codes are shown. If you enter the incorrect passcode, the checkword and the codes that are shown are also incorrect.

To open code memo for the first time

1} Organizer } Code Memo. A message with instructions appears } Continue.

2Enter a four-digit passcode } Continue.

3 Re-enter the new passcode to confirm.

4 Enter a checkword (maximum

15 characters) } Done. The checkword can consist of both letters and numbers.

To add a new code

1} Organizer } Code Memo and enter your passcode } New Code } Add.

2Enter a name associated with the code } Continue.

3Enter the code } Done.

74More features

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