To edit video clips in File manager

1} File Manager } Videos } Open and select file.

2} More } VideoDJ™ } Edit.

Sending video clips

You can send a video clip using one of the available transfer methods. Short video clips can be sent using picture messaging. If a video clip is too long, you can use the Trim function to make a video clip shorter.

To trim a video clip

1Select a video clip from the storyboard } Edit } Trim.

2} Set to set the start point and } Start.

3 } Set to set the end point and } End. 4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 or } Done.

To view a video clip on a computer To view video clips that have been transferred to your computer, use QuickTimeplayer software found on the CD that comes with your phone.


Edit files using PhotoDJ™ or when viewing files.

To edit and save a file

1} Entertainment } PhotoDJ™ or

} File Manager } Pictures and select a file } View } More } Edit.

2} Tool and select an option.

3After you have edited the selected picture } More } Save Picture.

Sound recorder

With the sound recorder, you can record either your own memos or calls. Recorded sounds can also be set as ringtones. Recording of a conversation is stopped if a participant ends the call. Recording of all sounds stops automatically if you receive a call.

In some countries or states it is required by law that you inform the other person before recording the call.

To record a sound

1} Entertainment } Record Sound.

2 Wait until you hear a tone. When the

recording starts, Recording and a timer appears.

3 } Save to end, } Play to listen or

}More for options: Record New, Send, Rename, Delete, Recorded Sounds.

Entertainment 59

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