There is an anatomical figure located at the top of the console. This figure will light all areas that are activated when using the elliptical trainer. These will light up during any of the programs. You can control which muscles are activated by changing up the pedal pattern or switching your hand position during the manual program. Generally the following guidelines hold true:
•The upper body lights will activate when you are either holding onto the swing arms or at anytime yours hands aren’t holding onto the pulse grip sensors
•The lower body lights will activate in three degrees of engagement: Green
represents minimal muscle involvement, Amber represents medium involvement, and Red represents full or heavy activation.
•These are the different scenarios for lower body muscle activation Forward pedal rotation
Gluteals & Quadriceps are Amber; Hamstrings & Calves are Green
Reverse pedal rotation
Incline: Calves, Hamstrings, and Quadriceps are Amber; Gluteals are Green
XG400 Elliptical | 12 |