RetrievingYourVoicemail Messages
You can review your messages directly from your phone or from any other
Press and hold . (Your phone will dial your voicemail box.)
UsingtheMenuKeysonYourPhonetoAccessYour Messages
1.Select >Messaging>Voicemail.
2.Select CallVoicemail or Call:SpeakerOn to listen to your messages.
Note:You are charged for airtime minutes when you are accessing your voicemail from your phone.
1.Dial your wireless phone number.
2.When your voicemail answers, press Shift .
3.Enter your passcode.
Tip: When you call into voicemail, you firsthear the header information (date, time, and sender information) for the message.To skip directly to the message, press GHI during the header.
Sprint PCS Service
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