Making and Receiving a SprintPCS Ready Link Call
Displaying the SprintPCS Ready Link List
From standby mode, press the Ready Link/Recorder
button () on the side of your phone to access the Sprint PCS Ready Link List.
Tip:The firsttime you access the list, the SprintPCS Ready Link Help message will appear. Press Yes (leftsoftkey) and Next (leftsoftkey) to read a brief introduction to SprintPCS Ready Link.
Selecting a Contacts List
When your phone displays a Sprint PCS Ready Link List, the left softkey is labeled Goto. To switch to another contact list, press Goto (left softkey), highlight your desired list, and press .
CompanyList/CompanyGrps. contain
PersonalList/PersonalGrps. contain your personal Ready Link contact names and numbers, separately or in groups. You can create and edit your own Personal List. Your phone can store a total of 200 entries. (You may include up to five contacts per group.)
Outgoing shows the last 20 different Sprint PCS Ready Link calls you placed.
Incoming shows the last 20 different Sprint PCS Ready Link calls you accepted.
Missed shows the last 20 Sprint PCS Ready Link calls you missed.
Note:The icon nextan entry indicates a group.