Multimedia FAQs
1.Howdoesmyphone’sSprintTVServicedifferfrom SprintPCSVideoMail?
Sprint TV Service lets you access
2.WillIknowifI’mreceivinganincomingcallwhileI’m viewingorlisteningtoanaudioclip?
No. All incoming calls will roll into voicemail while you are playing a clip. If the caller leaves a voicemail, the voicemail icon will appear on the screen.
3.Howlongaretheclips?WillIknowtheestimatedtimeit willtaketoplaytheclippriortoaccessingit?
Once you have selected a channel, you will see a listing of the available clips, with the clip’s length appearing after the clip’s title (if available). In general, a clip’s duration will depend on the story or content being provided, and can be fairly short or as long as
a few minutes.
4.CanIaccessamultimediaclipwhereverIam,aslongasI havemyphone?
As long as you are on the Nationwide Sprint PCS Network, you will have access to the audio and video clips.
Note: SprintTV Service does notwork while roaming off the Nationwide SprintPCS Network or where service is unavailable.