Voice Memo Options

Voice Memo Options

To play the voice memos you have recorded:

1.Press To play the voice memos you have recorded: > Tools > Voice Service > Voice Memo.

2.Select the voice memo you wish to hear and press

To choose voice memo options: to play the selected voice memo.

To choose voice memo options:

1.Press Erasing Voice Memos > Tools > Voice Service > Voice Memo.

2.Highlight the voice memo you wish to view and press OPTIONS (right softkey) to choose from the voice memo options:

Send Message to send a message with the voice memo attached.

Set As to assign tas a ringer to Contacts with Default Ringer, One Contact, Unsaved Numbers, Private/Unknown, Voicemail, Messages, or Alarm/ Calendar.

View Details to view the selected voice memo information.

Edit Title to edit the selected voice memo title.

Delete This to erase the selected voice memo.

Delete Multiple to delete multiple voice memos at once.

Delete All to delete all voice memos.

Memory Info to view the memory status for voice memo. The total memory for voice memo is 10 minutes.

Erasing Voice Memos

To erase all voice memos:

1.Press To erase all voice memos: > Tools > Voice Service > Voice Memo.

2.Select OPTIONS (right softkey) > Delete All.

3.Press DELETE (left softkey) to confirm that you want to erase all voice memos.

Voice Services

2F. Voice Services


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Sprint Nextel UG_9a_070709 manual Voice Memo Options, Erasing Voice Memos, To play the voice memos you have recorded