SI (absolute character size) ([width, height (see below)])
width: clamped real, width of characters in centimeters
height: clamped real, height of characters in centimeters
The default width and height depend on the pitch and size selected with the
AD or SD command.
Once this command is given, the width and height of characters do not
change when Pl and P2 move.
Without parameters, this command selects the size implied by AD or SD.
Width specifies the width of characters; negative values imply mirror images
about a vertical line.
Height specifies the height of capital M; negative values imply mirror images
about a horizontal line.
When using stick fonts, a change of character size will affect the thickness
of the line used to draw the characters. When appropriate, the parameters are
multiplied by the ratio [size of picture frame]/[plot size]
Whencommand SB 1 is ineffect, command SI cannot use negative parameters
and, in general, can select only approximate values of positive parameters.
In addition, only one parameters has effect, the width for monospaced fonts
and the height for proportional fonts.
SL (slant) ([tan(slant angle) IO)])
tan(slant angle): clamped real, the tangent of the angle be-
tween the center line of a character and the
This command modifies characters to be plotted by slanting their vertical
Positive slant angles slant to the right (like italics) and negative values slant
to the left.
SM (symbol mode) ([T {no symbol)])
T: any character with ASCII code 33 - 58,60 - 126.16 1, or254
This command designates the character to be used as a marker or symbol.
Symbols are used only in conjunction with PA, PD, PE, PR and PU
commands (a symbol is drawn at the point(s) specified by these commands,
regardless of the state of the pen).
If T is not in the specified range, the symbol mode is canceled; otherwise
symbol T is drawn as if it was a character in a label, centered at the point.
Symbols are taken from the currently selected character set and are sized,
slanted and rotated in the same way as characters.