. .
unprintable region at the edge of the page. The command looks like this:
<ES0 &z/n L
If you want to allow printing below the bottom margin, for n enter 0 (zero).
But if you want to forbid printing below the margin, which is the default,
enter 1 (one).
Example: Page formatting OK, let’s have a go at formatting a page. The picture of the page we want is
just below. The actual width of the text on the page depends on which font
we use. Let’s plan on using our 16.66-pitch Line Printer font at eight lines per
column 10 column 70
tap margin = 8 lil
text length I
100 lines
bottom margin
4 lines I
\ cctasional footnotes
As it prints, we also want to permit the occasional one-line footnote below
the normal bottom margin. And when we’re finished printing, let’s reset the
side margins so we can switch to our usual font width.
Here am the commands that w’ill produce this format for us:
<ES0 &c/l 12P
<ES0 &a lOl7OM
<ES0 &/8e 1OOf OL
(We’ll send our page here.)
<ES0 9