. .
Control characters recognized are: <BS>, <LF>, <FF>,
<CR>, <SO>, cSI>,
<ES@ <HT>, <SP>.
A label cannot be stated for use elsewhere on the page.
LO (label origin) (position ( 1 })
position: clamped integer; code indicating the start position of a
label relative to the current point.
In order to use this command for centering, right justification, etc., it is
necessary to store the label temporarily. The Star LaserPrinter 8111 has a
buffer capable of storing the longest possible label (see LB above).
LT (line type) ([type [pattern length, mode]])
type: clamped integer, pattern code
pattern length clamped real
mode: clamped integer
When no parameters are specified, this command selects a solid line and
saves the previous line type, pattern length and any unused portion of the
pattern. If there are parameters, a pattern is selected as follows.
Patterns are described by the length of dashes and gaps, as a percentage of
the pattern length, starting with a dash. 0% represents a dot. Patterns and their
codes are:
code pattern
0 0 (not a line, only one point)
1 0100
2 5050
3 7030
4 80 10 0 10
5 70 10 10 10
6 501010101010
7 7010010010
8 50100101010010
If the pattern code is negative, from -8 to -1, the pattern corresponds to the
absolute value of the code, but the pattern is “adaptive” and its length is
adjusted (up or down) to fit one or more complete patterns.
After a solid line has been selected by specifying LT without parameters,
pattern code 99 restores the previous line pattern and any residual pattern.
LT99 is ignored when a non-solid line pattern is selected. While plotting with