Turning automatic line feed on or off You can set the carriage return to move the print position just to the left
margin, or to the left margin and also down a line. Use this command:
If you make n any odd number (maximum 255) the printer will do a line feed
after each carriage return. If you make n even (maximum 256) the printer will
not produce automatic line feeds. This command can override the setting of
the AUTO CR parameter on the front panel’s program menu.
Setting horizontal tabs You can set up to 28 tab stops at any column ranging from 1 to 137. To set
tab stops, send this command:
<ESC> D nl n2 . . . cNUL>
Enter the column numbers as nl, n2 and so on in ascending order. Use the
<NUL> character to end the command; a column number less than the
preceding one also terminates the command. These settings change when
you change the character pitch, with the exception of double-width.
To clear all tabs send:
<ES0 D <NUL>
Restoring default tab settings You can reset alI vertical and horizontal tab settings to their defaults with this