The Change Emulation command
You can think of the superset ChangeEmulation command as the key to your
Star LaserPrinter 8. The Change Emulation superset command lets you
switch from one set of printer commands to another “on the fly,” through
This is the command that defines what other commands the Star LaserPrinter
8 will accept. With Change Emulation you indicate which printer emulation
program you want the printer to use.
When you start a new emulation you always start a new page.
Note: always send Carriage Return and Form Feed (control codes <CR> and
<FF>) just before you give this Change Emulation command. These force
the printer to print any partial page in its memory and start a new page with
the new emulation. If you forget to issue these control codes first the Star
LaserPrinter 8 will do them for you- but your Change Emulation command
will just reset the printer’s parameters to their initial defaults, and not give
you the emulation you ask for.
You issue the Change Emulation command with the following Escape
<ESC> [ E n
For the value of R you enter a number from this table:
0 (zero) HP LaserJet II
, 1 (one) Diablo 630
2 Epson EX-800
3 IBM Proprinter -