Select draft elite characters
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
< ESC > “1” 1” 21 73 49 IB 49 31
IBM < ESC > “I” Cl> 27 13 1 IB 49 01
Changes to draft quality characters with elite pitch (12 cpi). Ignored if
the NLQ Type Style switch was pressed during power-up.
Select NLQ characters
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
<ESC> .‘X” 1” 27 120 49 1B 78 31
Both < ESC > “x” Cl> 27 120 1 1B 78 01
Changes from draft quality to near letter quality. Ignored if the NLQ
Type Style switch was pressed during power-up.
Select NLG type sty/e
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Both <ESCz “k” n 27 107 n IB 6B n
Selects an NLQ type style according to the value of n. In draft mode,
this command remains dormant and takes effect later when NLQ is se-
lected by < ESC > “x” 1. Ignored if the NLQ Type Style switch was
pressed during power-up.
n Type style
0 Courier (initial value)
1 Sanserif
2 Orator with small capitals
3 Orator with lower case

Select Sanserif characters

Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
< ESC > “I” “2” 21 73 50 1B 49 32
IBM < ESC > “I” <2> 21 73 2 1B 49 02
Changes to the Sanserif NLQ font. Ignored if the NLQ Type Style switch
was pressed during power-up.

