Cancel top and bottom margins
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Both <ESC> “0” 27 79 1B 4F
Cancels both the top margin and the bottom margin.
, form feed
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Both I <FF> I 12 lot
Feeds the paper to the top of the next page according to the current page
length, and moves the print position to the left margin. When the auto-
matic sheet feeder (ASF) is selected (DIP switch l-4 is OFF), this com-
mand ejects the current page.
Return to top of current page
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Both <ESC> <FF> 27 12 1B OC
Feeds the paper backward to the top of the current page. Ignored when
friction feed is used.
Disable paper-out detector
ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
8 1 27 56 IlB 38
Causes the printer to disregard the signal sent by the paper-out detector,
enabling printing to the bottom of the paper. Overrides the setting of
DIP switch l-5.
Enable paper-out detector
ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
<ESC> “9” 1 27 57 IlB 39 -
Causes the printer to stop printing about an inch before the end of the
paper. Overrides the setting of DIP switch 1-5.
Set vertical tab stops
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Both I <ESC> “B” nl n2 . ..<o 4 27 66 nl n2 . ..O 1 1B 42 nl nZ...OO