Active/Standby Scenario
to the switchable IP address when asked for the “Host Name” in the
Sendmail Switch installer program.
5. SAMS is tested to ensure that it will work properly on both servers using
equivalent configuration options on both servers.
6. The MTA and MSP spool directories (e.g., /var/spool/mqueue and
/var/spool/clientmqueue) or theirsubdirectories, if multiple mail queues
are being used, must be manually symbolically linked to a directory on a
shared file system. This shared file system does not have to be the same
as the shared file system that will be used by the other SAMS files. In
this example, all the SAMS configuration and data directories will be
located on the same shared file system. These will include:
Note: The manual process of symbolically linking the queue directories is
required on both Server 1 (primary) and Server 2 (backup).
Figure 3 During Creation of the SAMS Resource Hierarchy
/var/spool/mqueue* /var/spool/mqueue
Server 1
Server 2
* The symbolic link /var/spool/mqueue must be created manually.
The gray files and directories are symbolically linked to files on the
shared storage device.
LifeKeeper for Linux 13