Error - extend () - LifeKeeper Internal ID ($ID) is already being used by
another resource type on “$SERVER”
LifeKeeper uses an Internal Resource Identifier that must be unique for
all servers in a cluster. There is already a resource that has the same ID
as SAMS. Review all the resources that are LifeKeeper-protected on the
specified server.
Error - extend () - Failed to create resource instance on $SERVER
LifeKeeper creates a resource instance to represent the SAMS
application. The creation of the instance has failed.
Error - extend () -Failed to backup and link “$DIR” to “$SHARED_FS”
LifeKeeper was unable to copy a directory and/or create a symbolic link
between a directory and the shared file system. Please check the
permissions of the directory and the file system where LifeKeeper is
trying to establish the link.
Error - extend () - Failed to copy “$FILE” on server
“$TEMPLATE_SERVER” to “$NEW_FILE” on server
LifeKeeper tried to copy a configuration file from the template system to
the target system. Verify the permissions of the files and directories
involved in the copy operation.
Bringing a SAMS Resource In-Service Error Messages
restore: sams: ERROR: No sams instance for tag “$TAG”
This error occurs when LifeKeeper tries to bring in-service a resource
that does not exist.
LifeKeeper for Linux 39