LifeKeeper Configuration Tasks
same drop down menu choices as the Edit menu. This, of course, is only an
option when a hierarchy already exists.
You can also right click on a resource instance in the Resource Hierarchy
Table (right-hand pane) of the status display window to perform all the
configuration tasks, except Creating a Resource Hierarchy, depending on the
state of the server and the particular resource.
Creating a SAMS Resource Hierarchy
Before you create your SAMS resource hierarchy, several steps need to be
taken to ensure the proper functionality of the SAMS resource hierarchy
under LifeKeeper protection.
1. You must create a switchable IP address resource under LifeKeeper.
2. Sendmail Switch and Sendmail Advanced Message Server packages
should be installed on both servers. The installer program for both should
be run on each server. The answers provided to the installer program
should be the same on both servers. Also, when running the installer for
Sendmail Switch, the “Host Name” question should be answered with
the domain name that corresponds to the switchable IP address. After
installation is complete you should ensure that all of your configuration
files are configured for the existing protected IP resource.
3. The shared file system that is to be used for the SAMS data should be
mounted on the primary server.
4. The MTA and MSP spool directories (e.g., /var/spool/mqueue and
/var/spool/clientmqueue) or theirsubdirectories, if multiple mail queues
are being used, must be manually symbolically linked to the shared file
system from both servers.
5. It is also important to remember that LifeKeeper requires a working
communication path (i.e. heartbeat) before you can create your resource.
18 SAMS Recovery Kit Administration Guide