restore: sams: ERROR: sendmail configuration file “$FILE” is empty
The Sendmail configuration is empty or does not exist.
restore: sams: SAMS is already running on $IP:$PORTLIST
This message is for informational purposes only. It indicates that the
SAMS daemons that are to be brought in-service are already running on
the specified IP address and ports.
restore: sams: ERROR: Unable to start the SAMS daemons
restore: sams: ERROR: Restore of sams resource “$TAG” failed.
restore: sams: ERROR: Please check the SAMS log files for error messages
LifeKeeper was unable bring the specified SAMS resource in-service.
The actual error message from the failed SAMS processes will appear in
the LifeKeeper error log.
Taking a SAMS Resource Out-of-Service Error Messages
remove: sams: ERROR: No sams instance for tag “$TAG”
This message is found in the LifeKeeper log file. This error occurs when
LifeKeeper tries to bring a resource out-of-service, and it finds that the
Resource Tag does not exist.
remove: sams: ERROR: Unable to stop the SAMS daemons
remove: sams: ERROR: Removal of sams resource “$TAG” failed:
remove: sams: ERROR: <subprocess error message appears here>
remove: sams: ERROR: Please check the SAMS log files for error messages
40 SAMS Recovery Kit Administration Guide