Active/Standby Scenario
The gray arrows represent dangling links (i.e. the files on Server 1 are
linked to the shared storage device, but the shared device is not
mounted on Server 1. Therefore, the links on Server 1 are not active).
Configuration Notes
When Server 2 becomes the active or primary server, the following occurs:
1. LifeKeeper unmounts the shared file system from Server 1 and mounts it
on Server 2. The dangling links on Server 2 now point to actual files.
2. Server 1 now contains the dangling links to the shared file system, since
the links from Server 2 now point to the files on the shared file system.
Administering SAMS Applications After the SAMS applications are placed under LifeKeeper protection, the
SAMS administrator should use the LifeKeeper GUI for stopping and
starting SAMS. Since the configuration files and data files must exist on a
shared file system, administration of these files should be done on the shared
file system and not on the local file system.
16 SAMS Recovery Kit Administration Guide