LifeKeeper Configuration Tasks
Click on the Next button to proceed to the next dialog box.
5. Select the Switchback Type. This dictates how the SAMS instance will
be switched back to this server when it comes back into service after a
failover to the backup server. You can choose either intelligent or
automatic. Intelligent switchback requires administrative intervention to
switch the instance back to the primary/original server. Automatic
switchback means the switchback will occur as soon as the primary
server comes back on line and reestablishes LifeKeeper communication
The switchback type can be changed later, if desired, from the General
tab of the Resource Properties dialog box.
Click on the Next button to proceed to the next dialog box.
6. Select or enter the Target Priority of your extended SAMS resource.
The priority is a number between 1 and 999 indicating a server’s priority
in the cascading failover sequence for the resource. The hierarchy
priorities are sorted numerically, where a lower number means a higher
priority (the number 1 indicates the highest priority). Note that
LifeKeeper automatically assigns the number “1” to the server on which
the hierarchy is created. The priorities need not be consecutive, but no
two servers can have the same priority for a given resource.
Click on the Next button.
LifeKeeper for Linux 27