90 Degree Door Stop
Model 315 has a 90 degree door stop. Follow these steps for installation:
1)Open door to 80 degrees.
2)Insert stop pin into the bottom door hinge (pin enters from the top). Refer to the illustration below.
3)Pin must be driven until head has made contact with the hinge body.
4)Insert stop pin into the top door hinge (pin enters from the bottom).
5)Pin must be driven until head has made contact with the hinge body.
6)Check for proper operation.
7)Install hinge covers if installation is complete.
Stop Pin |
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90 Degree Door Stop
Hinge Cover Installation
This is to be completed after the unit is fully installed.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Install the 90 degree stop prior to installing the hinge covers.
1)Remove the backing paper of the adhesive pads and bond to the hinge as shown in the illustration.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Hinges must be free of dirt or grease before applying covers.
2)Install center covers as shown in the illustration (mag- nets will secure these covers).
IMPORTANT NOTE: It will be necessary to remove the
Hinge Cover Installation